Archives Mama Movie Reviews

Mama Movie Review by Tim Walchusky

For those who are new to me, you are going to witness someone who loves horror movies. You will also notice I don’t pull punches and i will tear apart the genre i love if its nothing but an epic failure. For those who DO know me, you are already used to it! With that […]

Archives Excision Movie Reviews

Excision Movie Review

This was one of the most disturbing films I’ve ever sat through. AnnaLynne McCord was blew me away in this one. Upon first viewing the trailers, I didn’t recognize her at all. It follows her character Pauline and her deeply disturbing delusions. She has dreams of being a surgeon and has odd psycho-sexual dreams. She […]

Archives Exit Humanity Movie Reviews

Exit Humanity Movie Review

  Exit Humanity is a 2011 Zombie Western written and directed by John Geddes and starring Mark Gibson and Adam Seybold. This film was an absolute pleasure to watch. It has been a very long time since I’ve seen a movie that took the time to develop its characters the way that this one does. […]

Archives Lovely Molly Movie Reviews

Lovely Molly Movie Review   Lovely Molly is a 2011 possession film directed by Eduardo Sanchez and starring Gretchen Lodge. It tells the tale of Molly Reynolds returning to her long-abandoned family home with her husband Tim. Tim is a trucker and leaves home a lot and Molly is a recovering Heroin addict. At roughly the three month […]

Archives Movie Reviews State Of Emergency

State Of Emergency Movie Review   State of Emergency is a movie that I had very little expectations of going in. This isn’t out in North America yet and after seeing a few trailers and reading some reviews I thought I’d check it out once it was released here, then I found out it was already released in the UK. […]

Archives Hellraiser: Hellworld Movie Reviews

Hellraiser: Hellworld

I want everybody to think back to a time in their lives when they had a dying relative. I’m sure you made a promise to this relative at some point during a hospital visit. Did you break that promise? Because if you did, then this movie exists almost entirely as a way to punish you […]

Archives Dark Skies Movie Reviews

Dark Skies Movie Review by Roger Trottier

The movie Dark Skies is best described as a roller coaster ride that you have been on ten times already, but the entire track is only ten feet long. Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? I’ll start off with the positives…. Some of the effects were interesting, at times very similar to Paranormal Activity but with Aliens. The acting […]

Archives Movie Reviews Rec:3 Genesis

Rec 3: Genesis Movie Review

Rec 3 is a 2012 Spanish Horror film directed by Paco Plaza. If you’re like me and growing incredibly tired of the found footage concept then you’ll be happy to hear that the film starts off that way, but switches to a more conventional narrative about 10 minutes in. This is obviously the third in […]

Archives John Dies At The End Movie Reviews

John Dies At The End Movie Review

John Dies At The End is a movie that has cult hit written all over it. Directed by Don Coscarelli (of Phantasm and Bubba-Ho-Tep;fame), this movie is based on the book of the same name by David Wong (Senior Editor at The film stars Chase Williamson and Rob Mayes as Dave and John, two best friends […]