Archives Guest Articles Kira Butler

Humble Beginnings: An Aspiring Author on Writing Horror By Kira Butler

  My mother always wanted me to like nice things. Barbies, for example (which I did, until I stumbled into adolescence and realized that I could string together Barbie’s severed heads and wear them as a necklace; much like the destroyer-goddess Kali Ma — the knots in the synthetic hair binding together each smiling face.) […]

Archives Shawn's House The Republic of Shawntario

The Zombie Story Checklist

Despite the relative young age of the website, I have received more Zombie stories than anything else. I have unfortunately not accepted any of them because of how generic they were. I appreciated how hard the authors worked on their stories, and there were some very interesting parts in them, but Zombies in general are […]

Archives Danielle Deering Guest Articles

The DOs and DON’Ts of Horror Filmmaking – By Danielle Deering

As a loyal, long-time horror movie enthusiast, I felt that I possessed the appropriate authority to submit these demands to todays (and tomorrow’s) horror movie makers. Now before you read any further, let me first acknowledge the mavericks out there like Ti West, James Wan, Leigh Whannell and the folks at Night Walker cinema who […]

Archives Guest Articles Jack Kain

From Horror Beginnings by Jack Kain

  My entrance into the world of Horror films officially began with a child and a dream. The dream was about a man with a burnt face and knives for fingers who stalked his victims in their sleep. The child was named Tina and it was her death scene that ushered me into a world […]

Archives Danica Deering Guest Articles

Making of a Horror Fan – Danica Deering

Lions, Tigers and Bears (oh my), Things that go bump in the night, the Monster under the bed… I’ve often wondered: what is it about me that CRAVES horror, and relishes the opportunity to get scared out of my mind? Is there a “profile” of a horror movie fan? And what is it that truly […]

Archives Shawn's House The Republic of Shawntario

Effective Villains- The Moral Event Horizon

Greetings all, Today I am going to deal with my absolute favorite trope- “The Moral Event Horizon”. A Moral Event Horizon is an act committed by a character that plummets our opinion of them so far away from “good” that it would be impossible for them to recover. This act does not need to be […]

Archives The Republic of Shawntario

Welcome and my introduction to horror!

Greetings all, This is the inaugural post in the blog, something we will be updating often . We will hopefully have some guest bloggers and contests here as well, so please check us out regularly. I would now like to take this opportunity to talk about my introduction to the horror genre. As a […]