Archives Movie Reviews Posts

Krampus: Movie Review

It’s a bit late in the year for me to be writing this (due to the film in question being a holiday film), but you’ve heard of Christmas in July, have you not? It’s approaching and so, with that, I would like to talk about the film Krampus, while I am listening to the Jailbreak album […]

Archives Movie Reviews

The Babadook

Synopsis (from the official website): From breakthrough writer-director Jennifer Kent comes the creepy psychological horror movie The Babadook that has received an explosion of acclaim following its world premiere at Sundance 2014.  The film tells of a single mother, plagued by the violent death of her husband, who battles with her son’s night time fear […]

Archives Movie Reviews Posts


Monster movies are tricky in that the titular star is often a minor character, behind those that it affects. He is a plot point.  A puzzle to be solved. A villain to be conquered. They are often the center of the film, but they are unable to carry it. That duty in Godzilla falls on […]

Archives Television

Penny Dreadful S1E1, “Night Work” by Dusty

Before we get to the fun stuff, let’s talk a little history.  A penny dreadful was a 19th century British pulp magazine, filled with serial fiction, often of the violent crime or adventure variety.  A handful of recognizable characters originated in penny dreadfuls, the most famous being Sweeny Todd.  (It’s also worth noting that “Varney […]