Book Reviews

Book Review: Certain Dark Things by M.J. Pack

Certain Dark Things is a short story collection by M.J. Pack. When doing a collection of short stories, it can be difficult to find balance. A lot of time the story placement seems almost random and the book will have no flow. Each story in Certain Dark Things seems as though it were meticulously picked […]

Book Reviews

Book Review: Clockwork Universe by John W.Dennehy

I’ll start by saying that while this isn’t 100% horror, it has enough of the themes that I’ll count it. Being steampunk doesn’t hurt either. And now for the review Clockwork Universe was a very fun read. It’s full of action and John’s writing style suits the genre very well. The characters were well written […]

Book Reviews

Book Review: My Soul To Keep by Jackie Sonnenberg

This book is part of a series where Jackie takes old nursery rhymes and writes horror stories based off of them. If the rest of the stories are even half as good as this one, we’re all in for some good reading. My Soul To Keep follows the story of Sky, who starts at a brand […]

Archives Book Reviews Posts

Book Review: At The Cemetery Gates

I remember going to sleepovers as a kid, and staying up into the wee hours of the morning trading scary stories and urban legends in hushed tones with my friends. We’d swear up and down that we knew someone who knew someone who knew the girl whose boyfriend was murdered by the hook hand killer. […]

Archives Book Reviews

Nightmares: Book Review

Ellen Datlow is a master curator of fiction, and though she calls herself a “horror enthusiast,” I don’t think it’s a stretch to say she is also one of the guiding hands of the genre. Her Best Horror of the Year anthologies are a snapshot of current trends in horror, offering readers a sampling of […]

Archives Book Reviews

Book Review: Year 47 by Bo Chappell

This book started as a kickstarter and we are glad it came to fruition. I was hooked pretty much immediately at the world that Bo created. It’s a post apocalyptic western and just typing those words out again bring a giant smile to my face. The book is set forty-six years after the Rapture and is […]

Archives Book Reviews

America’s Most Haunted Hotels: Book Review

America’s Most Haunted Hotels: Checking in with Uninvited Guests By Jaime Davis Whitmer with Robert Whitmer Ghost stories are a staple of the horror genre, and they always have a little sharper edge when the magic words, “based on a true story” appear under the title. Ghost hunting has taken on its own genre, as […]

Archives Book Reviews Posts

Book Review: Andrew by M.J. Orz

Andrew is a novel by author M.J. Orz. This is the first review I’ve written in almost two years so please forgive it if it lacks any sort of depth. The novel is an anthology format that weaves different stories together, all tied in nicely by their connection to the eponymous Andrew. One strength of […]

Archives Book Reviews

The Uncommitted: Book Review

I was given a PDF edition of The Uncommitted by Margaret Goss for review. The cover art is eye-catching; so are a few inconsistencies. Perhaps I notice them more than others because of my years in publishing. I do have to admit they did little to distract from the story itself…only the overall presentation of […]

Archives Book Reviews

Book Review: Deadraiser (Part 1: The Horror In Jordan’s Bank)

Big fish in a small town. Necromancy. Human sacrifice. Conspiracy. If you like these things, you’ll get a kick out of Deadraiser Part 1: The Horror In Jordan’s Bank). From the Goodreads summary: DEADRAISER is the tale of a present-day practitioner who achieves what others have been unable to do for centuries — to raise […]