Dobromir talks about how even a cheesy made-for-TV can produce creepy images that will forever be burned into your brain.
Tag: Ghosts
Papercuts: Horror Classics from DC Comics By Ryan “HB” Mount In the late 1960’s and into the 1970’s DC Comics was producing a large amount of horror based comics, even in the comics code era. Most famously, they had works like House of Secrets where readers were introduced Swamp-Thing. While there was the couple of […]
Dusty battles the flu and watches the much-hyped South Korean supernatural horror film, The Wailing.
Book Review: Covenant
The roots of the horror genre are tangled around humanity’s fear of death and the abominations that transcend it. Vampires, zombies, and demons all fit this description, but the earliest, and possibly the most widespread in human culture, are the ghosts of the unquiet dead. While many authors turn their imaginations toward new ways to […]
I’ve been sitting on this story for a while now. Jill called me in late July to unloaded it and I’d decided to bury it out of fear and spite, but in the process of clearing out my own demons, I came to realize that secrets are really dangerous. We had to do some soul […]
I remember going to sleepovers as a kid, and staying up into the wee hours of the morning trading scary stories and urban legends in hushed tones with my friends. We’d swear up and down that we knew someone who knew someone who knew the girl whose boyfriend was murdered by the hook hand killer. […]
Tapping Out
So a couple weeks ago I had every intention of sharing a classic haunted house story with you. Way back at the beginning of the summer I met with a young woman named Lydia who’d nannied for a family on Nantucket and experienced a crazy haunting. It seemed like a great story for October. Nothing like […]
America’s Most Haunted Hotels: Checking in with Uninvited Guests By Jaime Davis Whitmer with Robert Whitmer Ghost stories are a staple of the horror genre, and they always have a little sharper edge when the magic words, “based on a true story” appear under the title. Ghost hunting has taken on its own genre, as […]
Rorschach: Movie Review
Hey guys, BadAssGeek here. All movie lovers know what it feels like when you discover a movie that surprises you. You go into it with little-to-no expectations and find yourself blown away. When that movie is over you find yourself excited and can’t wait to tell everyone you know about it, but it’s 2 a.m. […]
Big fish in a small town. Necromancy. Human sacrifice. Conspiracy. If you like these things, you’ll get a kick out of Deadraiser Part 1: The Horror In Jordan’s Bank). From the Goodreads summary: DEADRAISER is the tale of a present-day practitioner who achieves what others have been unable to do for centuries — to raise […]