Dusty went to Lexington Comic Con, walked the floor, had some laughs and may-or-may-not have been escorted off the premises
Category: Dusty’s Corner
Settle in with Dusty and enjoy the touching and heartwarming story of a boy and his hammer
Transmissions from ScareFest X
Dusty walks the floor of ScareFest X and somehow escapes with his life.
Dusty watches Breakfast, the follow-up to Aleksandra’s Svetlichnaya’s wonderful Dinner.
Twin Peaks Thoughts
Dusty takes a look at how he fell in love with Twin Peaks
Dusty talks about the retro horror feel of Beyond The Gates
Dusty goes to the Lexington Comic and Toy Convention and makes it out alive. OR DOES HE? (He does.)
Dusty battles the flu and watches the much-hyped South Korean supernatural horror film, The Wailing.
Split: Spoilery Thoughts
Dusty went to see Split and he has some spoilery thoughts about the ending
Dusty joins the great CC from Bloody Good Horror to talk about The Babadook pop-up book and whether or not owning a book that could bring great harm to your household is a good idea. You can listen/download here