Book Reviews Reviews

The Mortecarni: Book Review

Kay reviews The Mortecarni: a medieval zombie novel drenched in blood, madness and rotting flesh.

Articles Dusty's Corner Movie Reviews Reviews

Breakfast: Short Movie Review

Dusty watches Breakfast, the follow-up to Aleksandra’s Svetlichnaya’s wonderful Dinner.

Archives Articles On Writing

50+ Essential Subreddits for Horror Writers

Most folks today are at least aware of Reddit. “The front page of the Internet” is both an endless source of information, and a notorious time-waster. You can find whole communities dedicated to even the tiniest of niches, and it turns out that horror writers are no exception. When we previously posted a list of […]

Archives Television

The Walking Dead – S7:E1 “The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be”

Sunday finally brought the long-awaited season 7 premiere of AMC’s The Walking Dead. The season 6 finale gave fans the biggest bad of the series in Negan, but also delivered a cliff-hanger regarding the death of a major cast member. This play left a bad taste in the mouths of those who have stood by […]

Archives Book Reviews Posts

The Bride Wore Brains: Book Review

Emily Wesley Stringer’s self-published debut novel, The Bride Wore Brains, is a fun dark comedy with a heavy zombie element. Kat’s best friend, Claire, is getting married. Like any good Maid of Honor, Kat is doing her best to ensure that the wedding goes smoothly and that the bride has her day. When the guest begin […]

Archives Movie Reviews Posts

Dinner: Movie Review

Dinner is a short film written and directed by the very talented Aleksandra Svetlichnaya. It’s fun and short and you can watch the entire thing below.  Make sure you give her a follow on Twitter as well. Dinner follows Dylan as she walks through a deserted town filled with chain-link fences and burned out buildings.  She’s […]

Archives What Comes Next

Mailbag: May 23, 2016

Welcome to another exciting installment of the Horror Writers mailbag!  Thanks for the questions. Did you see the Rec saga? – @NicoLasaigues I have seen the first three, and I really enjoyed all of them.  Like a true American, I saw Quarantine first (USA! USA!), so I think that colored my judgment of the first […]

Archives Posts

Pride & Prejudice & Zombies: Movie Review

Synopsis: A period piece that follows Elizabeth Bennet – the second of five sisters – through her unwanted courtship.  You could almost say that Elizabeth Bennet and something called “Mr. Darcy” fooled around and fell in love.  Also, there are zombies.  So many zombies. My thoughts: I have never read Pride & Prejudice.  I have […]

Archives Movie Reviews

Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse: Movie Review

Have you ever found yourself watching Superbad and thinking, “I wish there was a less well-written version of this with zombies and more annoying characters,”?  Then this movie is for you! That sounds harsher than I mean it to.  I apologize to the scouts and their stripper friend.  Let’s break it down. Ben, Carter and […]

Archives Television The Walking Dead

Fear The Walking Dead: Pilot

  Finally!  Zombies to hold us over until more zombies arrive!  I mean, I guess you could always watch Night of the Living Dead during the summer or something, but that probably doesn’t happen in most households.  It’s okay.  We can still be friends.  As long as you don’t love Survival of the Dead.  Then […]