Dusty watches Breakfast, the follow-up to Aleksandra’s Svetlichnaya’s wonderful Dinner.
Tag: Dinner
Do you all remember Dinner? The short film about Dylan and her monster-kicking habits? Well…Dylan is back. Behold, the trailer for Breakfast! Like Dinner, it looks like a no-budget monster romp written and directed by Aleksandra Svetlichnaya (who plays Dylan). “It’s not a sequel,” it promises. “It’s the next course.” This appears to follow two […]
Dinner: Movie Review
Dinner is a short film written and directed by the very talented Aleksandra Svetlichnaya. It’s fun and short and you can watch the entire thing below. Make sure you give her a follow on Twitter as well. Dinner follows Dylan as she walks through a deserted town filled with chain-link fences and burned out buildings. She’s […]