Archives Articles Women in Horror Month

How I found Horror….for women in horror month

A short introduction of how I found Horror I was 8 years old, it was a sunny afternoon. I was walking home from school with some friends when my Mum and Dad shouted me over from their car, they were going to visit my Grandma and they had missed me walking out of the school. […]

Book Reviews Reviews

The Mortecarni: Book Review

Kay reviews The Mortecarni: a medieval zombie novel drenched in blood, madness and rotting flesh.

Archives Renfield's Resurrection

Top 10 Women in Horror

So to celebrate Women in Horror week here is my Top 10 picks. Most of these women still have restraining orders on me! 10. Calico Cooper – Daughter of Alice Cooper. Without a feature film under her belt as of yet, she has done some modeling, replaced her mother on stage as Nurse Rosetta in […]

2013 Archives Women Of Horror Week

My Favorite Final Girls

In honor of Women of Horror Week, I thought I would put together a list of my top five favorite final girls.  It was a fun list to put together.  It was also nearly impossible to cap the list at five. With that in mind, I give you Dusty’s Five Favorite Final Girls, With Four […]