Archives Paper Cuts

Papercuts: Marvel’s Chamber of Chills

Papercuts: Chamber of Chills from Marvel Comics By Ryan “HB” Mount   In the late 1960’s and into the 1970’s DC Comics was not the only producer of many horror genre comics.  Marvel seemed to be in an arms race against DC with the amount of horror comics they were producing at the exact same […]

Paper Cuts

Papercuts: Horror Classics from DC Comics

Papercuts: Horror Classics from DC Comics By Ryan “HB” Mount In the late 1960’s and into the 1970’s DC Comics was producing a large amount of horror based comics, even in the comics code era.  Most famously, they had works like House of Secrets where readers were introduced Swamp-Thing.  While there was the couple of […]

Articles Dusty's Corner Movie Reviews Reviews

Underworld: A Love Letter

This post contains a ton of spoilers about the Underworld series. You’ve been warned. You know what I love about the Underworld series? Pretty much everything. It starts off as a solid vampire/werewolf (or lycan, in the parlance of the movie) action-horror series, taking story cues from Romeo and Juliet and visual cues from The […]

Archives Movie Reviews Posts

31 Days of Horror Day 20: Dracula 3D

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Just kidding. Don’t watch this movie. It caused Dusty to question his sanity. It cause Shawn to refer to Dario Argento as “Nature’s Greatest Monster”. (You should read both of those articles.  Shawn’s is a great rundown of why he doesn’t like Argento, and mine is still one of my favorite things I’ve ever […]

Archives Television The Strain

The Strain S1E13, “The Master”

We find ourselves at the end of the season.  It took 13 episodes, but I’m now finally coming around to the sight of Corey Stoll with hair. This season showed us a show with promise, but was ultimately unfulfilling.  It had some flashes of greatness, but mostly it was maddeningly inconsistent.  It went to the […]

Archives Posts Television The Strain

The Strain S1E12, “Last Rites”

It’s been a rough week, and your old pal Dusty hasn’t had much of a chance to write.  With that in mind, let’s skip over the unwieldy intro and get straight to my loves and hates. Hates: 1. The stuff with Setrakian’s wife felt really forced.  There wasn’t a ton of emotion, even though I […]

Archives Posts Television The Strain

The Strain S1E11, “The Third Rail”

The season is winding down.  While the show has gotten better, it’s still maddeningly inconsistent.  There are some great scenes – and there have even been some truly great episodes – but there are too many moments of drama driven by the stupidity of the main characters.  This episode had a little bit of each […]

Archives Posts Television The Strain

The Strain S1E10, “Loved Ones”

Do you remember the end of “For Services Rendered” when the pack of vampire hunters showed up?  I sure do.  I rubbed my hands together and proclaimed, “Here we go,” to no one in particular, because my life is a non-stop party.  I love that storyline in the books, and I was excited to see […]

Archives Television The Strain

The Strain S1E9, “The Disappeared”

Since I’m so late with this write-up this week (I was out of town…sorry), I’m going to skip my normal intro and just get right into the Hates/Loves. Hates: 1. Diane’s babysitting skills leave a little something to be desired.  Step one: don’t swear at the children. 2. Zach is not a very observant kid.  […]

Archives Movie Reviews

Rigor Mortis review

You ever have one of those movies that you watch, get to the end and ask, “What was that?”  For me, that movie was Juno Mak’s Rigor Mortis, a vampire/possession-zombie(?) movie that starts and ends in some kind of gray mud, which can probably serve as some sort of commentary on the entire film.  It […]