And so we find ourselves at the end of our journey. It’s cold and rainy here in Lexington, KY, which means there will be precious few trick or treaters out there. Those that brave the elements will get large handfuls of candy from yours truly. “Shine on you crazy sugar-loaded monster.” Over the course of […]
Tag: 31 Days of Horror
Yesterday was insanely busy, so I didn’t get a chance to put this up. Apologies. Between work and a playoff softball game (championship game next week!), I just couldn’t find any time. This is also my excuse for the lateness of my Walking Dead post this week. I love excuses. The lack of a post […]
A British horror comedy about a work retreat held in a remote cabin in Hungary. The fear of bears is real, but they soon realize something more sinister is lurking in the trees. Is their cabin really an old mental institution, or is that just a story? I love this movie. It’s a comedy, but […]
We’re almost there. I know this isn’t the most popular pick, but I always watch it around this time of year. It’s not a scary movie, but it does have a spooky feel to it. I love the atmosphere. I love the cast, as well. We have a skittish Johnny Depp as Ichabod Crane… […]
There are many things to talk about when we talk about The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Many fixate on Leatherface, and rightly so. He’s one of the most recognizable slashers in horror cinema, but also the one that evokes the most empathy. How can you hate a man who obviously has mental issues? He is clearly […]
I know, I know. I’m a day late on this. Sorry. Day 27 will be coming later today. But, for now, we have Scream. This brought the well-known (although not totally accurate) slasher rules to the masses. It also somehow launched a new horror franchise with a new killer, all while making fun of the […]
I know I am not alone in saying that this is my favorite Universal Monster movie, and there’s not really a challenger for that title. Sure, I like all of them, and, while the original Frankenstein is in second place, it’s a pretty distant second. It’s perfect. The atmosphere is great (the scene of The […]
Lace your boots up, kiddies. We’re getting down to it. We’re only a week away from Halloween. Time to get serious. While Freddy gained more personality as the series went on (New Nightmare being the obvious exception), this first film still has the ability to creep me out. Freddy isn’t a one-man quip-machine: he’s a […]
It’s not a perfect movie, but I love it a little more every time I watch it. It has a great premise: the slasher in an obscure movie (The Dark Beneath, which is pretty much Texas Chainsaw Massacre with hints of Psycho) is able to leave the confines of the film, grab unsuspecting viewers, pull […]
Original vs. Remake? That’s a debate that rages throughout the horror community. The general consensus is that the original is better. I tend to fall on that side of things myself. Even when I like a remake (which happens quite often), I still usually prefer the original. I don’t have a long history with horror, […]