
Dracula 3D – This Movie Does Not Exist

Dracula 3d is a 2013 movie. Allegedly. I watched it back in 2013. Allegedly. To this day I still could not tell you how I discovered Dracula 3D. I don’t believe anyone told me about it because in 2013, people genuinely cared for one another. I also don’t believe I found it through a website […]


Dracula 3D: A Journey to the Brink of Sanity

Note: This was originally published in 2014. On numerous occasions, Shawn has proclaimed this movie “the worst movie ever made”.  I believe Chassity has backed him up on these claims. I took these bold proclamations as a personal challenge.  I sat through Blood Gnome – a movie about knock-off Ghoulies in the world of S&M […]

Archives Movie Reviews Posts

31 Days of Horror Day 20: Dracula 3D

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Just kidding. Don’t watch this movie. It caused Dusty to question his sanity. It cause Shawn to refer to Dario Argento as “Nature’s Greatest Monster”. (You should read both of those articles.  Shawn’s is a great rundown of why he doesn’t like Argento, and mine is still one of my favorite things I’ve ever […]