Alone at Night is a movie with so much wasted potential you’ll be left pulling your hair out at the end. Ashley Benson stars as Vicky, a woman whose boyfriend suddenly disappears leaving her homeless. To make some quick money, she goes to a secluded cabin to get in as much time as possible on a cam site. A real standout here is the always likeable Luis Guzman as one of Vicky’s clients.
There’s a killer going around known as “The Crowbar Killer” but his identity is incredibly obvious once you see him show up. A recurring theme in this movie is missed opportunities and bad execution. If we had people slightly more competent in charge then the reveals wouldn’t be as obvious and certain things wouldn’t come across as cheesy. Ashley Benson is completely wasted as Vicky here.
As a protagonist she never makes stupid decisions, she’s likeable and you have no issues rooting for her throughout. The movie is all the more frustrating because of this. Everything outside of Vicky seems purposely designed to annoy the watcher.
There’s a B story involving a reality tv show hosted by Paris Hilton and if you’ve ever watched something like Too Hot to Handle or The Challenge you’ll probably enjoy it. As a fan of The Challenge, I liked it but it feels like it was put in there to extend the running time.
The ending is also beyond frustrating because it seems like it’s making a greater point about how we spend all of our time watching reality tv and violence but it’s handled so poorly that whatever message it’s trying to convey just gets lost.
For me, this movie is a skip. I really hope Ashley Benson does more horror though, she was great in this.