Movie Reviews Reviews

Etheria Film Night 2023 continues the excellence from 2022

Last year, I was sick with COVID and housebound. I was looking for something to watch on Shudder and came across Etheria Film Night 2022. I’m a sucker for a good anthology and while I didn’t love every single one of the short films, it was just the thing I needed while feeling like I was dying.

Fast forward a year, Etheria Film Night 2023 is on Shudder Canada and it’s an auto watch. 2023 picks up where last year left off in terms of quality. Let’s get this writeup going.

No Overnight Parking
Written and Directed by Meg Swertlow
Star: Alyssa Milano

No Overnight Parking follows Alyssa Milano’s character as she tries to get home to her children for Halloween. 

I loved how it flipped the usual tropes around and I loved the neon colour palette.

Written and directed by Jennifer Zhang
Starring: Gina Su, Matt gottlieb

This entry was more Science Fiction than Horror. A pilot on a long distance trip starts to experience some weirdness involving the ships AI Engineer.

Not my favourite but still an enjoyable watch. Gina Su gives a great performance as the pilot.

Written and Directed by Alix Austin
Special effects and makeup: Sammm Agnew and Goshka Topolska
Starring: Sophia Carasso, Annie Knox

This one was my favourite. The practical effects and makeup are incredible.Great performances by Sophia Carasso and Annie Knox.

It’s short but it gets in, hooks itself inside of you and gets out. I want more from Alix Austin and this makeup crew.

The Erl King
Directed by:Genevieve Kertesz
Written by: Keith Karnish, Genevieve Kertesz, Rachel A Weise
Costume Design: Molly Wilcox
Makeup: Kaylie Holland, Rita Janikyan, Jake Porath, Angie Shell, Carmonie Fuselier
Starring: Emma Haleen, Marti Matulis

Another movie with great makeup effects. This one is a folklore story about the creatures in the forest that warns about the dangers of grooming. Beautifully shot.

Written and Directed by: Zoey Martinson
Star Marchant Davis

Another one that I really enjoyed. Marchant Davis gives a great performance as a young man on house arrest who has to blow into a breathalyzer at random points during the day. Stuff starts to get incredibly weird for him.

Written and Directed by: Mai Nakashimi
Starring: Juhee Lee

A young woman watching a tv drama starts to hallucinate a violent event. I believe it’s the shortest one here but it’s still a good time

Sleep Study
Written and Directed by Natalie Metzger
Starring: Olivia Applegate, Kevin Changaris

This one is fantastic. It’s creepy and disturbing. An overworked new parent has trouble sleeping and joins a study.

Directed by: Samantha Aldana
Written by: Parsons Twesten

My least favourite. It’s beyond beautiful to look at but nothing about it resonated with me (I know this is a me problem and not the fault of the short film).

I would love out more from Samantha Aldana because she’s a very competent director, this short just did nothing for me.

Go to Bed Raymond
Directed by: Nicole Taylor Roberts
Written by: Casimir Nozkowski
Star Carvis Lissaint, Siovan Christensen

Our second last short of Etheria Film Night 2023. A young child tries to warn his parents about the creepy children in his bedroom. Really cool effects and great acting. This one would make a great full length.

Make the Call
Directed by: Chelsea Gonzalez
Written by: Sal Neslusan
Starring Sal Neslusan, Camille Chen

Two women hang out quite some time after a night of tragedy.

Wonderful performances by Sal Eslusan and Camille Chen. The world building is fantastic and the little hints of what is going on are great. Another one that I’d love to see a full movie of.

Final Thoughts

Etheria Film Night 2023 is a great time. If you like anthologies then I highly recommend this one to you. Consider it a must watch.

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