Movie Reviews Reviews

The Haunting of Julia Fields review

Found footage
Director: Joseph Mazzaferro
Starring: Callie Grayson

Yeah. This was a thing that I watched. It claims to be based on a true story. I’m dating myself here but have you ever seen that episode of The Simpsons where Otto walks out of the shop called Stoner’s Pot Palace and says “Man, that is flagrant false advertising”? That’s what this is.

We start with Jula Childs (played by Callie Grayson) in a car moving across the country to Florida. She meets her landlord, gets settled in and spends time at the beach. Weird things start happening almost immediately. There’s no tension, no dread, no buildup, just scary things happening for the sake of being scary things.

The Haunting of Julia Fields is a movie of ideas that don’t really get executed properly. The entity haunting Julia just looks weird. This isn’t even a low budget looks weird which would be passable this is an “Oh…they’re going that route are they?” kind of weird.

The ending comes out of absolutely nowhere and it’s so infuriating and implausible that on the off chance you actually enjoyed the movie leading up to it, you’re going to yell at your television.

I did not like this movie and I cannot possibly recommend it.

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