Short Stories

Silence: A Short Story

The fire alarm down at the paper mill goes off again, and enters the world through every earhole in the city.

Short Stories

The Surgeon

“Why do you hate?”

Short Stories

The Thing At The Piano

Step inside the Conklin house and meet The Thing At The Piano: a creepy tale in 666 words.

Articles Posts Short Stories What Comes Next

The Haunted House: A Short Story

Frederick stood 50 feet from the entrance of the haunted house while his teammates pleaded with him to go inside.  He rattled off a bunch of statistics of mechanical failings in these kinds of pop-up carnivals while they rolled their eyes. “Just 3 years ago in Iowa, the roof came loose and injured 5 people.  […]

Archives Ghosts in the Burbs

“I Don’t Believe Sellers Have to Disclose Previous Satanic Worship on the Property, but a Head’s Up Would Have Been Nice”

I’m a children’s reference librarian at the Wellesley Free Library. It is an absolute dream. I help little ones find truck stories and Lego books and even get to fill in for story time if one of the full-time librarians is out sick. I typically work in the library’s main branch (across from Town Hall), […]

Archives Short Stories

A Prelude

The sparrow had disturbed Grandmother throughout the week. She was living with us, and had been for some time. Grandmother had grown so frail that I insisted she move in. For her advanced age, Grandmother was healthy and content with only the faintest hits of senility. Her eyes were failing, we weren’t sure she heard half of […]

Archives Kat Morris Short Stories

The Artist, by Kat Morris

By Kat Morris   What is it about washing blood off of things that makes one turn suddenly introspective? Is it the feel of the blood? Sticky, clinging, suffocating, grasping at fibers, desperate to remind you that it was once moving and vital and not running headlong down a drain. The rushing water?  Clear, cold, […]